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Masahiro Yamashita PhD
Emeritus Prof.
Multi-Functional Nano-Science of Advanced Metal Complexes
[1] Haldane Gap Compounds
[2] Single-Molecule Magnets (SMMs)
[3] Single-Chain Magnets (SCMs)
[4] Quantum Molecular Spintronics Based on Single-Molecule Magnets
[5] Spin Qubits for Quantum Computer
[6] SMMs Encapsulated into Single-Walled Carbon Nano Tube (SWCNT)
[7] Nano-Wire MX-Chain Compounds with Strong Electron-Correlation
[8] Charge Fluctuation in MX-Chain Complexes

Single‐Molecule Magnets. Using Tb3+ ions, K. Katoh, M. Yamashita et al. show in their Communication on page 6262 ff., a molecular design method for improving spin dynamics by the arrangement of the single‐molecule magnets (SMMs) in a crystal.

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